Energy Sessions

Discovering and Liberating the self through the Energy Body. Free yourself from chronic health conditions triggers, events, past lives, etc.

Energy Sessions

 Energy Sessions

Larisa will guide you on an exploration of your own inner landscape.
Energy sessions allow you to venture into the vast unknown and rich environment of your being.

~ Discover universes within yourself ~

Learn how your physical body, energy body and main energy centers can
work together in support of your the physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies .

We have become so compartmentalized and focused towards our mental minds we have lost touch with the vast and varied aspect of our being. The Energy Landscape is all of your energetic body that lives within and around your physical body. In this realm we can explore the origins or energetic beginnings of your focus. Whether you are dealing with a chronic physical issue, emotional matters or even past lives, an energy body session is an affective way to create lasting change while deepening your relationship with yourself.

Live a life free of limitations from past experiences.

Live a life in deeper awareness of that which makes you uniquely you!

All that is required of these sessions is your earnest curiosity towards yourself. We work together to as we explore the terrains in you, slowing down our minds and sensing into our area of focus.
Allowing you to make choices as an adult that empower you, grow you and change the possibilities in your life. As a result you may experience immediate relief and freedom from symptoms that have plagued your health. You may have more access to yourself and therefore be a better advocate for your needs or next steps in the world. Or you may notice a calmness where once was reacting to the trails of life. People often leave the session feeling calm, more connected and resourced.

To live your most authentic life. To be your most authentic self.

The process is incredibly effective, visceral and quick and is a core aspect of working with Larisa.
Experience yourself radically changing in concrete ways in a remarkably short period of time.

~ sacred guide and shamanic practitioner ~

Larisa Gerace of
Ancient Star Healing

  • alterntaive healing mexico

    In-person in Akumal

    All modalities may be performed in-person. House Blessings and Somatic Release Therapy sessions must be done in-person.
  • online energy healing skype

    Via Skype or Zoom

    For clients not in the Yucatán Peninsula, phone sessions are available via Skype or Zoom. All services are available virtually except for House Blessings and Somatic Release Therapy sessions.

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